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Blog Payment Technology

Trends You Need to Know About: Wearable Payments

Payment types are evolving now more than ever! Technology, payment and fashion industries are working hand-in-hand to develop the most convenient payment trends for consumers! 

It was already impressive that payments could be made through your smartphone, now you can pretty much wear your credit or debit card on your wrist everywhere you go. “Wearable payment” has become the latest trend in Contactless payment. 

Now that smartwatches are a trend, many of the features we can use on our smartphones have become even easier to carry around. These features include the digital wallets offered on Apple, Samsung and Android phones. The two most popular “wearable payment” types are the Apple Watch and the Samsung Gear G3 smartwatch. 

At the moment, not all stores are ready to accept these forms of payment, however, transaction methods are certainly shifting in this direction. It is extremely important for businesses to be up to date and prepared for the developments in payment technology. This may mean updating terminals and pin-pads to accept Contactless payment, or even purchasing new equipment! 

Soon enough, we aren’t even going to be carrying our physical wallets around as much and everything is going to be digital! Hopefully this means we don’t have to worry about losing our wallets and cancelling our cards ever again!